ETE Metrics

Tracking Progress to End the HIV Epidemic

The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute uses 16 population-level metrics to help track progress towards Ending the Epidemic. Select metrics from the list below to view annual outcomes and ETE targets. Annual outcomes are viewable by sex, age group, and race/ethnicity for metrics where data are available.

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ETE: Bending the Curve

Achieve fewer new HIV infections than deaths

2020 New HIV Infections 1,467 | 2020 Deaths among PLWDH 2,367

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Bending the curve metric displays HIV incidence minus all deaths among persons living with diagnosed HIV.

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New Infections - Incidence

Reduce the number of estimated new HIV infections

2021 Actual 1,200 (NYC)

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYC DOHMH HIV Surveillance System
  • An estimated number of people who have acquired HIV; diagnosed and undiagnosed.
  • Incidence and undiagnosed estimates are calculated using a CDC methodology.

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PrEP Utilization

Increase the number of individuals filling prescriptions for PrEP to 65,000

2023 Actual 55,891 | Goal 65,000

Chart notes:
  • Source: IDV (Integrated Dataverse) from Symphony Health.
  • Number of individuals filling at least one prescription for Truvada or Descovy within the calendar year.
  • The FDA approved Descovy for PrEP on 10/3/2019.

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PrEP Utilization - Medicaid

Increase the number of Medicaid recipients filling prescriptions for PrEP to 30,000

2023 Actual 13,514 | Goal 30,000

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS Medicaid Data Warehouse.
  • Number of Medicaid recipients filling at least one prescription for Truvada or Descovy within the calendar year.
  • The FDA approved Descovy for PrEP on 10/3/2019.

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HIV Status Aware

Increase the percentage of persons living with HIV who know their serostatus to at least 98%

2023 Actual 94% | Goal 98%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • An estimated percentage of people living with HIV who have been diagnosed.
  • Incidence and undiagnosed estimates are calculated using CDC methodology released in 2022.

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New HIV Diagnoses

Reduce the number of new HIV diagnoses by 55% to 1,515

2023 Actual 2,517 | Goal 1,515

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Number of persons newly diagnosed with HIV.

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Newly Diagnosed HIV – Persons with a History of Injection Drug Use

Reduce the percentage of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who indicate a history of injection drug use to 2.8%

2023 Actual 4.9% | Goal 2.8%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Percent of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who indicate a history of injection drug use (IDU). Includes persons who indicate IDU and MSM/IDU history.

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Concurrent AIDS Diagnoses

Reduce the percentage of persons with a diagnosis of AIDS within 30 days of HIV diagnosis to 15.0%

2023 Actual 19.4% | Goal 15.0%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • HIV infection with simultaneous AIDS diagnosis, or AIDS diagnosis (stage 3 HIV) within 30 days.

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Linkage to Care

Increase the percentage of newly diagnosed persons linked to HIV medical care within 30 days of diagnosis to at least 90%

2023 Actual 79% | Goal 90%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Newly diagnosed with any VL, CD4, or genotype within 30 days of diagnosis by diagnosis year.

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Receiving HIV Medical Care

Increase the percentage of persons living with diagnosed HIV (PLWDH) who receive HIV medical care to 90%

2023 Actual 89% | Goal 90%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Any VL, CD4, or genotype test in a calendar year.

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Viral Load Suppression – Newly Diagnosed HIV

Increase the percentage of persons newly diagnosed with HIV who reach viral load suppression within 3 months of diagnosis to 75%

2023 Actual 58% | Goal 75%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Viral load test suppressed (non-detectable or <200 copies/mL) within 91 days from the date of HIV diagnosis.

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Viral Load Suppression - PLWDH

Increase the percentage of PLWDH with suppressed viral load to 85%

2023 Actual 80% | Goal 85%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Last viral load test in calendar year is non-detectable or <200 copies/mL.

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Viral Load Suppression - Receiving HIV Medical Care

Increase the percentage of PLWDH who receive HIV medical care with suppressed viral load to 95%

2023 Actual 90% | Goal 95%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Last viral load test in calendar year is non-detectable or <200 copies/mL, among those in care during the calendar year.

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Sustained Viral Load Suppression

Increase the percentage of PLWDH with sustained viral load suppression to 75%

2023 Actual 72% | Goal 75%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • Viral load test suppressed (non-detectable or <200 copies/mL) on all viral load tests in the previous 2 years, among those with at least 2 viral load tests in the previous 2 years.

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Time to AIDS Diagnosis

Reduce the rate at which persons newly diagnosed with HIV progress to AIDS by 50%

2021 Actual 4% | Goal 5.1%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • AIDS diagnosis within 2 years of HIV diagnosis.

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Decrease stigma experienced among PLWDH to at least 25%

2021 Actual 29% | Goal 25%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS Medical Monitoring Project.
  • Based on the results of a 10 question scale looking at 4 dimensions of stigma (personalized stigma, disclosure concerns, negative self-image, and perceived public attitudes about people with HIV).

HIV Related Deaths

Reduce the percentage of deaths directly related to HIV to 20%

2022 Actual 18% | Goal 20%

Chart notes:
  • Source: NYS HIV Surveillance System
  • The percentage of deaths that were related to HIV among persons with diagnosed HIV. Primary cause of death was used for HIV death ascertainment.

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ETE Metrics Notes

  • Data sources for NYS Statewide and NYC are the NYS HIV Surveillance System and the NYC DOHMH Surveillance System, respectively, unless otherwise noted in chart notes above. Data as of March 2023.
  • The purple dotted line represents the extension of NYS ETE goals to 2024 due to the impact of COVID-19.
  • Data for the year 2020 should be interpreted with caution due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to HIV testing, care-related services, and case surveillance activities.
  • NYS Statewide data is viewable by sex, age, or race/ethnicity, and NYC data is viewable by race/ethnicity for select metrics. No stratifications are available for Bending the Curve, Stigma, New Infections – Incidence, or HIV Status Aware. No race/ethnicity or age data are shown for either PrEP Utilization metric.
  • Starting with analyses of 2020 data, NYS implemented a new race/ethnicity classification methodology. This change reduces misclassification, with notable decreases in the percentage of individuals classified as Multi-Race or Hispanic, and increases in percentages of other categories. In 2021, an additional revision of the race/ethnicity classification methodology was introduced in accordance with an OMB directive separating the “Asian and Pacific Islander” category into two distinct categories, now called “Asian” and “Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander.”
  • Proportions for some metrics filtered by age or race/ethnicity (e.g. Native American) are unstable due to low numbers; data are either hidden or should be interpreted with caution.
  • Incidence and undiagnosed estimates are calculated using CDC methodology released in 2022.
  • In 2019, NYS cautiously applauded the milestone of “Bending the Curve”, achieving the first ever decrease in HIV prevalence in NYS. Bending the curve is defined as the point where estimated HIV infections are lower than the number of deaths among people with diagnosed HIV and we achieve a decrease in the number of New Yorkers living with HIV. Our goal remains to keep new infections lower than deaths among people living with diagnosed HIV.

CUNY Institute for Implementation Science in Population Health

New York State Department of Health

55 W 125th Street, New York, NY 10027