HIV/AIDS and Aging in New York State
Today, September 18, is National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day, an opportunity to raise awareness and learn more about the challenges faced by this population with regard to HIV prevention, testing, care and treatment.
View the ETE Dashboard’s infographic on HIV/AIDS and Aging in New York State to learn some basics about this population in New York. For more information about HIV testing, PrEP use, and care continuum outcomes and trends among older adults who are living with HIV/AIDS and those newly diagnosed, explore our data visualizations and filter results using the age group menu option.

Data sources:
NYS Department of Health AIDS Institute Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Source Healthcare Analytics (Symphony)/NYS Medicaid Data Warehouse
Kong AM, Pozen A, Anastos K, Kelvin EA, Nash D. Non-HIV Comorbid Conditions and Polypharmacy Among People Living with HIV Age 65 or Older Compared with HIV-Negative Individuals Age 65 or Older in the United States: A Retrospective Claims-Based Analysis. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2019;33(3):93–103.