[{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinic programs<\/strong> featured two related aims to increase HIV prevention efforts, specifically increasing initiation of PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention and PEP28 for post-exposure prevention. <br\/><br\/> In 2017 through 2022, 4,758 New Yorkers initiated PEP28 for post-exposure prevention and 5,796 New Yorkers began using PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"PEP28 Initiates","measure_definition":"PEP28 initiation data are episodic; counts of each 28-day course of PEP28 medication dispensed or prescribed to patients.","measure_i_hover":"PEP28 Initiates are episodic counts of each 28 day course of PEP28 medication.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PEP28 Initiates & PrEP Initiates","number":"4758","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"1188","Annual_2018":"1439","Annual_2019":"1446","Annual_2020":"680","Annual_2021":"602","Annual_2022":"620","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"628","Q2_2019":"785","Q3_2019":"801","Q4_2019":"671","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"PEP28 initiation data are episodic; counts of each 28-day course of PEP28 medication dispensed or prescribed to patients.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP initiates include patients dispensed or prescribed PrEP medication who had not initiated PrEP at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics in the 365 days prior.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinic programs<\/strong> featured two related aims to increase HIV prevention efforts, specifically increasing initiation of PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention and PEP28 for post-exposure prevention. <br\/><br\/> In 2017 through 2022, 4,758 New Yorkers initiated PEP28 for post-exposure prevention and 5,796 New Yorkers began using PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"PrEP Initiates","measure_definition":"PrEP initiates include patients dispensed or prescribed PrEP medication who had not initiated PrEP at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics in the 365 days prior.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP Initiates are patients receiving PrEP who had not initiated PrEP at the SHCs in the 365 days prior and are counted in the quarter of the medication dispensing event.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PEP28 Initiates & PrEP Initiates","number":"5796","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"918","Annual_2018":"1768","Annual_2019":"1201","Annual_2020":"496","Annual_2021":"766","Annual_2022":"921","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"648","Q2_2019":"729","Q3_2019":"847","Q4_2019":"655","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"PEP28 initiation data are episodic; counts of each 28-day course of PEP28 medication dispensed or prescribed to patients.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP initiates include patients dispensed or prescribed PrEP medication who had not initiated PrEP at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics in the 365 days prior.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinic programs<\/strong> featured two related aims to increase HIV prevention efforts, specifically increasing initiation of PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention and PEP28 for post-exposure prevention. <br\/><br\/> In 2017 through 2022, 4,758 New Yorkers initiated PEP28 for post-exposure prevention and 5,796 New Yorkers began using PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"PEP28 Initiates","measure_definition":"PEP28 initiation data are episodic; counts of each 28-day course of PEP28 medication dispensed or prescribed to patients.","measure_i_hover":"PEP28 Initiates are episodic counts of each 28 day course of PEP28 medication.","chart_header_second_line":"PEP28 Initiates & PrEP Initiates","number":"","Q1_2017":"259","Q2_2017":"347","Q3_2017":"311","Q4_2017":"271","Q1_2018":"328","Q2_2018":"383","Q3_2018":"415","Q4_2018":"313","Annual_2017":"1188","Annual_2018":"1439","Annual_2019":"1446","Annual_2020":"680","Annual_2021":"602","Annual_2022":"620","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"300","Q2_2019":"402","Q3_2019":"386","Q4_2019":"358","Q1_2020":"287","Q2_2020":"77","Q3_2020":"189","Q4_2020":"127","Q1_2021":"125","Q2_2021":"151","Q3_2021":"172","Q4_2021":"154","Q1_2022":"150","Q2_2022":"178","Q3_2022":"147","Q4_2022":"145","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"809","Program_Commulative_2018":"2814","Program_Commulative_2019":"4260","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"PEP28 initiation data are episodic; counts of each 28-day course of PEP28 medication dispensed or prescribed to patients.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP initiates include patients dispensed or prescribed PrEP medication who had not initiated PrEP at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics in the 365 days prior.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinic programs<\/strong> featured two related aims to increase HIV prevention efforts, specifically increasing initiation of PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention and PEP28 for post-exposure prevention. <br\/><br\/> In 2017 through 2022, 4,758 New Yorkers initiated PEP28 for post-exposure prevention and 5,796 New Yorkers began using PrEP for pre-exposure HIV prevention at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"PrEP Initiates","measure_definition":"PrEP initiates include patients dispensed or prescribed PrEP medication who had not initiated PrEP at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics in the 365 days prior.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP Initiates are patients receiving PrEP who had not initiated PrEP at the SHCs in the 365 days prior and are counted in the quarter of the medication dispensing event.","chart_header_second_line":"PEP28 Initiates & PrEP Initiates","number":"","Q1_2017":"109","Q2_2017":"164","Q3_2017":"279","Q4_2017":"366","Q1_2018":"387","Q2_2018":"450","Q3_2018":"544","Q4_2018":"387","Annual_2017":"918","Annual_2018":"1768","Annual_2019":"1201","Annual_2020":"496","Annual_2021":"766","Annual_2022":"921","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"276","Q2_2019":"300","Q3_2019":"331","Q4_2019":"294","Q1_2020":"283","Q2_2020":"18","Q3_2020":"80","Q4_2020":"115","Q1_2021":"152","Q2_2021":"183","Q3_2021":"234","Q4_2021":"197","Q1_2022":"215","Q2_2022":"280","Q3_2022":"156","Q4_2022":"270","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"292","Program_Commulative_2018":"2686","Program_Commulative_2019":"3816","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics PrEP & PEP28 Programs<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"PEP28 initiation data are episodic; counts of each 28-day course of PEP28 medication dispensed or prescribed to patients.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP initiates include patients dispensed or prescribed PrEP medication who had not initiated PrEP at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics in the 365 days prior.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinics programs<\/strong> sought to increase initiation of JumpstART, a program through which onsite HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) is available to patients on the day they are diagnosed with HIV and to patients who are treatment-na\u00efve.<br\/><br\/> From 2017 through 2022, 662 clients newly diagnosed with HIV began anti-retroviral treatment under the JumpstART program at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"New HIV Diagnoses","measure_definition":"New HIV Diagnoses include patients who tested confirmed positive for HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","measure_i_hover":"New HIV Diagnoses include only confirmed positive patients at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of New HIV Diagnoses & JumpstART Initiated","number":"905","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"211","Annual_2018":"204","Annual_2019":"198","Annual_2020":"97","Annual_2021":"87","Annual_2022":"108","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"49","Q2_2019":"55","Q3_2019":"51","Q4_2019":"43","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Program<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"New HIV Diagnoses include patients who tested confirmed positive for HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","measure_detail_row2":"JumpstART initiates are patients newly diagnosed with HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics who were dispensed or prescribed JumpstART medication in the 90 days following their diagnosis.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on healthcare for people newly diagnosed with HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Continuum pages","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/new-diagnoses-and-linkage\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinics programs<\/strong> sought to increase initiation of JumpstART, a program through which onsite HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) is available to patients on the day they are diagnosed with HIV and to patients who are treatment-na\u00efve.<br\/><br\/> From 2017 through 2022, 662 clients newly diagnosed with HIV began anti-retroviral treatment under the JumpstART program at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"JumpstART Initiated","measure_definition":"JumpstART initiates are patients newly diagnosed with HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics who were dispensed or prescribed JumpstART medication in the 90 days following their diagnosis.","measure_i_hover":"JumpstART Initiates are patients who initiated JumpstART in the 90 days following diagnosis.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of New HIV Diagnoses & JumpstART Initiated","number":"662","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"141","Annual_2018":"156","Annual_2019":"134","Annual_2020":"75","Annual_2021":"74","Annual_2022":"82","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"27","Q2_2019":"40","Q3_2019":"36","Q4_2019":"33","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Program<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"New HIV Diagnoses include patients who tested confirmed positive for HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","measure_detail_row2":"JumpstART initiates are patients newly diagnosed with HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics who were dispensed or prescribed JumpstART medication in the 90 days following their diagnosis.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on healthcare for people newly diagnosed with HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Continuum pages","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/new-diagnoses-and-linkage\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinics programs<\/strong> sought to increase initiation of JumpstART, a program through which onsite HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) is available to patients on the day they are diagnosed with HIV and to patients who are treatment-na\u00efve.<br\/><br\/> From 2017 through 2022, 662 clients newly diagnosed with HIV began anti-retroviral treatment under the JumpstART program at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"New HIV Diagnoses","measure_definition":"New HIV Diagnoses include patients who tested confirmed positive for HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","measure_i_hover":"New HIV Diagnoses include only confirmed positive patients at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","chart_header_second_line":"New HIV Diagnoses & JumpstART Initiated","number":"","Q1_2017":"64","Q2_2017":"58","Q3_2017":"51","Q4_2017":"38","Q1_2018":"51","Q2_2018":"50","Q3_2018":"43","Q4_2018":"60","Annual_2017":"211","Annual_2018":"204","Annual_2019":"198","Annual_2020":"97","Annual_2021":"87","Annual_2022":"108","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"49","Q2_2019":"55","Q3_2019":"51","Q4_2019":"43","Q1_2020":"50","Q2_2020":"6","Q3_2020":"26","Q4_2020":"15","Q1_2021":"28","Q2_2021":"19","Q3_2021":"17","Q4_2021":"23","Q1_2022":"26","Q2_2022":"30","Q3_2022":"23","Q4_2022":"29","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"228","Program_Commulative_2018":"432","Program_Commulative_2019":"630","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Program<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"New HIV Diagnoses include patients who tested confirmed positive for HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","measure_detail_row2":"JumpstART initiates are patients newly diagnosed with HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics who were dispensed or prescribed JumpstART medication in the 90 days following their diagnosis.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on healthcare for people newly diagnosed with HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Continuum pages","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/new-diagnoses-and-linkage\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Sexual Health Clinics","program_title":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Programs","description":"<strong>NYC Sexual Health Clinics programs<\/strong> sought to increase initiation of JumpstART, a program through which onsite HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) is available to patients on the day they are diagnosed with HIV and to patients who are treatment-na\u00efve.<br\/><br\/> From 2017 through 2022, 662 clients newly diagnosed with HIV began anti-retroviral treatment under the JumpstART program at NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"JumpstART Initiated","measure_definition":"JumpstART initiates are patients newly diagnosed with HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics who were dispensed or prescribed JumpstART medication in the 90 days following their diagnosis.","measure_i_hover":"JumpstART Initiates are patients who initiated JumpstART in the 90 days following diagnosis.","chart_header_second_line":"New HIV Diagnoses & JumpstART Initiated","number":"","Q1_2017":"39","Q2_2017":"37","Q3_2017":"37","Q4_2017":"28","Q1_2018":"39","Q2_2018":"43","Q3_2018":"29","Q4_2018":"45","Annual_2017":"141","Annual_2018":"156","Annual_2019":"134","Annual_2020":"75","Annual_2021":"74","Annual_2022":"82","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"25","Q2_2019":"40","Q3_2019":"36","Q4_2019":"33","Q1_2020":"34","Q2_2020":"5","Q3_2020":"22","Q4_2020":"14","Q1_2021":"26","Q2_2021":"17","Q3_2021":"12","Q4_2021":"19","Q1_2022":"20","Q2_2022":"21","Q3_2022":"19","Q4_2022":"22","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"146","Program_Commulative_2018":"303","Program_Commulative_2019":"440","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"NYC Sexual Health Clinics JumpstART Program<br\/> Program summary through 2019","measure_detail_row1":"New HIV Diagnoses include patients who tested confirmed positive for HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics.","measure_detail_row2":"JumpstART initiates are patients newly diagnosed with HIV at the NYC Sexual Health Clinics who were dispensed or prescribed JumpstART medication in the 90 days following their diagnosis.","measure_detail_row3":"","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Public Health Clinics.","notes_row2":"Until March 2020, the NYC Department of Health operated eight Sexual Health Clinics, at which time clinic locations and available services were significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Services fluctuated for the remainder of 2020, with four SHC locations re-opening for operation by November 2020; a fifth SHC location re-opened in October 2022.","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on healthcare for people newly diagnosed with HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Continuum pages","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/new-diagnoses-and-linkage\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of enrollments in the PlaySure Network","measure_definition":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_i_hover":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollments in the PlaySure Network","number":"40880","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"5392","Annual_2018":"13357","Annual_2019":"25190","Annual_2020":"32254","Annual_2021":"40880","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"5392","Program_Commulative_2018":"13357","Program_Commulative_2019":"25190","Program_Commulative_2020":"32254","Program_Commulative_2021":"40880","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions","measure_definition":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions","number":"39271","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"4050","Annual_2018":"10920","Annual_2019":"21602","Annual_2020":"29728","Annual_2021":"39271","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"4050","Program_Commulative_2018":"10920","Program_Commulative_2019":"21602","Program_Commulative_2020":"29728","Program_Commulative_2021":"39271","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PrEP initiations (clinical context)","measure_definition":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PrEP initiations (clinical context)","number":"6773","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"920","Annual_2018":"2436","Annual_2019":"4316","Annual_2020":"5708","Annual_2021":"6773","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"920","Program_Commulative_2018":"2436","Program_Commulative_2019":"4316","Program_Commulative_2020":"5708","Program_Commulative_2021":"6773","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence)","measure_definition":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_i_hover":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence)","number":"4113","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"680","Annual_2018":"1735","Annual_2019":"2809","Annual_2020":"3487","Annual_2021":"4113","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"680","Program_Commulative_2018":"1735","Program_Commulative_2019":"2809","Program_Commulative_2020":"3487","Program_Commulative_2021":"4113","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of enrollments in the PlaySure Network","measure_definition":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_i_hover":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollments in the PlaySure Network","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"1795","Q3_2017":"1926","Q4_2017":"1671","Q1_2018":"1741","Q2_2018":"1938","Q3_2018":"2268","Q4_2018":"2018","Annual_2017":"5392","Annual_2018":"13357","Annual_2019":"25190","Annual_2020":"32254","Annual_2021":"40880","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"3144","Q2_2019":"3111","Q3_2019":"2936","Q4_2019":"2642","Q1_2020":"2495","Q2_2020":"1136","Q3_2020":"1828","Q4_2020":"1605","Q1_2021":"1902","Q2_2021":"2329","Q3_2021":"2387","Q4_2021":"2008","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"5392","Program_Commulative_2018":"13357","Program_Commulative_2019":"25190","Program_Commulative_2020":"32254","Program_Commulative_2021":"40880","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions","measure_definition":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"1313","Q3_2017":"1455","Q4_2017":"1282","Q1_2018":"1334","Q2_2018":"1614","Q3_2018":"1939","Q4_2018":"1983","Annual_2017":"4050","Annual_2018":"10920","Annual_2019":"21602","Annual_2020":"29728","Annual_2021":"39271","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"2888","Q2_2019":"2816","Q3_2019":"2621","Q4_2019":"2357","Q1_2020":"2674","Q2_2020":"1435","Q3_2020":"2117","Q4_2020":"1900","Q1_2021":"2564","Q2_2021":"2544","Q3_2021":"2369","Q4_2021":"2066","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"4050","Program_Commulative_2018":"10920","Program_Commulative_2019":"21602","Program_Commulative_2020":"29728","Program_Commulative_2021":"39271","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PrEP initiations (clinical context)","measure_definition":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PrEP initiations (clinical context)","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"350","Q3_2017":"313","Q4_2017":"257","Q1_2018":"354","Q2_2018":"316","Q3_2018":"437","Q4_2018":"409","Annual_2017":"920","Annual_2018":"2436","Annual_2019":"4316","Annual_2020":"5708","Annual_2021":"6773","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"544","Q2_2019":"415","Q3_2019":"464","Q4_2019":"457","Q1_2020":"495","Q2_2020":"247","Q3_2020":"353","Q4_2020":"297","Q1_2021":"316","Q2_2021":"324","Q3_2021":"241","Q4_2021":"184","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"920","Program_Commulative_2018":"2436","Program_Commulative_2019":"4316","Program_Commulative_2020":"5708","Program_Commulative_2021":"6773","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PlaySure Network Program","description":"The <strong>PlaySure Network<\/strong> is a citywide network of HIV testing sites, community-based organizations, and clinics working together to promote patient-specific approaches to sexual health and HIV prevention, increase access to PrEP and PEP, and link people who test positive for HIV to care. Some of the ETE programs featured here are part of the PlaySure Network (PrEP for Adolescents, the PEP Call Center and PEP Centers of Excellence) in addition to other programs.\n <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 40,880 enrollments at PlaySure Network sites. PSN conducted 39,271 PrEP and PEP education sessions during this time. There were 6,773 PrEP initiations at clinical sites. At sites that were non-clinical or specifically provided PEP programming, there were 4,113 linkages from these sites to clinical PrEP providers.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence)","measure_definition":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_i_hover":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence)","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"195","Q3_2017":"270","Q4_2017":"215","Q1_2018":"220","Q2_2018":"261","Q3_2018":"293","Q4_2018":"281","Annual_2017":"680","Annual_2018":"1735","Annual_2019":"2809","Annual_2020":"3487","Annual_2021":"4113","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"276","Q2_2019":"282","Q3_2019":"271","Q4_2019":"245","Q1_2020":"265","Q2_2020":"135","Q3_2020":"147","Q4_2020":"131","Q1_2021":"168","Q2_2021":"189","Q3_2021":"155","Q4_2021":"114","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"680","Program_Commulative_2018":"1735","Program_Commulative_2019":"2809","Program_Commulative_2020":"3487","Program_Commulative_2021":"4113","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PlaySure Network Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments in the PlaySure Network include enrollments during specified time period at all PlaySure Network sites.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service at all PlaySure Network sites that offer this type of service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations (clinical context) include all PlaySure Network clinical sites that offer this service as a part of their program.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to PrEP (CBO context and PEP Centers of Excellence) include any instance of this service at PlaySure Network non-clinical sites or PEP Centers of Excellence (PCE), which offer this service as a part of their program.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"The PlaySure Network contracts shown here ended in 2022. Decreases seen in quarterly data from 2021 may be a reflection of clients or staff being shifted to other HIV prevention programs as contracts came to a close.","notes_row4":"In January 2019, 11 additional agencies were added to the PlaySure Network through our Status Neutral program (NCT).","notes_row5":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here:","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PEP eligibility screens through PEP Call Center","measure_definition":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PEP eligibility screens through PEP Call Center","number":"7427","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"1075","Annual_2018":"2621","Annual_2019":"4279","Annual_2020":"5639","Annual_2021":"7427","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"1075","Program_Commulative_2018":"2621","Program_Commulative_2019":"4279","Program_Commulative_2020":"5639","Program_Commulative_2021":"7427","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PEP starter packs prescribed","measure_definition":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PEP starter packs prescribed","number":"5123","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"692","Annual_2018":"1751","Annual_2019":"2895","Annual_2020":"3830","Annual_2021":"5123","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"692","Program_Commulative_2018":"1751","Program_Commulative_2019":"2895","Program_Commulative_2020":"3830","Program_Commulative_2021":"5123","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PEP starter packs received","measure_definition":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PEP starter packs received","number":"5048","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"663","Annual_2018":"1706","Annual_2019":"2838","Annual_2020":"3768","Annual_2021":"5048","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"663","Program_Commulative_2018":"1706","Program_Commulative_2019":"2838","Program_Commulative_2020":"3768","Program_Commulative_2021":"5048","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of linkages to a PEP provider","measure_definition":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of linkages to a PEP provider","number":"5821","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"894","Annual_2018":"2107","Annual_2019":"3384","Annual_2020":"4449","Annual_2021":"5821","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"894","Program_Commulative_2018":"2107","Program_Commulative_2019":"3384","Program_Commulative_2020":"4449","Program_Commulative_2021":"5821","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PEP eligibility screens through PEP Call Center","measure_definition":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PEP eligibility screens through PEP Call Center","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"328","Q3_2017":"390","Q4_2017":"357","Q1_2018":"417","Q2_2018":"380","Q3_2018":"416","Q4_2018":"333","Annual_2017":"1075","Annual_2018":"2621","Annual_2019":"4279","Annual_2020":"5639","Annual_2021":"7427","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"346","Q2_2019":"406","Q3_2019":"420","Q4_2019":"486","Q1_2020":"380","Q2_2020":"253","Q3_2020":"411","Q4_2020":"316","Q1_2021":"342","Q2_2021":"450","Q3_2021":"581","Q4_2021":"415","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"1075","Program_Commulative_2018":"2621","Program_Commulative_2019":"4279","Program_Commulative_2020":"5639","Program_Commulative_2021":"7427","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PEP starter packs prescribed","measure_definition":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PEP starter packs prescribed","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"214","Q3_2017":"248","Q4_2017":"230","Q1_2018":"275","Q2_2018":"243","Q3_2018":"289","Q4_2018":"252","Annual_2017":"692","Annual_2018":"1751","Annual_2019":"2895","Annual_2020":"3830","Annual_2021":"5123","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"251","Q2_2019":"281","Q3_2019":"257","Q4_2019":"355","Q1_2020":"241","Q2_2020":"162","Q3_2020":"303","Q4_2020":"229","Q1_2021":"234","Q2_2021":"321","Q3_2021":"434","Q4_2021":"304","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"692","Program_Commulative_2018":"1751","Program_Commulative_2019":"2895","Program_Commulative_2020":"3830","Program_Commulative_2021":"5123","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PEP starter packs received","measure_definition":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PEP starter packs received","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"207","Q3_2017":"246","Q4_2017":"210","Q1_2018":"269","Q2_2018":"237","Q3_2018":"285","Q4_2018":"252","Annual_2017":"663","Annual_2018":"1706","Annual_2019":"2838","Annual_2020":"3768","Annual_2021":"5048","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"243","Q2_2019":"272","Q3_2019":"264","Q4_2019":"353","Q1_2020":"242","Q2_2020":"157","Q3_2020":"300","Q4_2020":"231","Q1_2021":"234","Q2_2021":"318","Q3_2021":"435","Q4_2021":"293","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"663","Program_Commulative_2018":"1706","Program_Commulative_2019":"2838","Program_Commulative_2020":"3768","Program_Commulative_2021":"5048","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Call Center Program","description":"The <strong>PEP Call Center <\/strong>is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people who may have been exposed to HIV. Callers determined to have been potentially exposed to HIV are connected to a clinic with expertise in providing PEP. After business hours, callers are referred to 24-hour pharmacies for PEP starter packs, and then to a clinic for the remaining doses of PEP. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, the PEP Call Center had performed 7,427 PEP screens to assess client eligibility for PEP. The Call Center prescribed 5,123 PEP starter packs of which 98.5% (5,048) were received. In total, there were 5,821 linkages to a PEP provider.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of linkages to a PEP provider","measure_definition":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of linkages to a PEP provider","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"272","Q3_2017":"333","Q4_2017":"289","Q1_2018":"337","Q2_2018":"302","Q3_2018":"307","Q4_2018":"267","Annual_2017":"894","Annual_2018":"2107","Annual_2019":"3384","Annual_2020":"4449","Annual_2021":"5821","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"271","Q2_2019":"309","Q3_2019":"325","Q4_2019":"372","Q1_2020":"294","Q2_2020":"184","Q3_2020":"326","Q4_2020":"261","Q1_2021":"265","Q2_2021":"346","Q3_2021":"454","Q4_2021":"307","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"894","Program_Commulative_2018":"2107","Program_Commulative_2019":"3384","Program_Commulative_2020":"4449","Program_Commulative_2021":"5821","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Call Center Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"PEP eligibility screens provided through the PEP Call Center includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PEP starter packs prescribed includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PEP starter packs received includes any instance reported during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Linkages to a PEP provider includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program","description":"<strong>PEP Centers of Excellence<\/strong> are brick-and-mortar sites utilizing an urgent care model to ensure timely initiation of PEP, regardless of insurance, for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. The sites also provide patient navigation and support services.<br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there have been 2,905 enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence site. In total, 3,241 PEP prescriptions were received by clients and among these clients receiving PEP services, there were 3,706 PrEP eligibility assessments completed.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence","measure_definition":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence","number":"2905","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"445","Annual_2018":"1179","Annual_2019":"1999","Annual_2020":"2428","Annual_2021":"2905","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"445","Program_Commulative_2018":"1179","Program_Commulative_2019":"1999","Program_Commulative_2020":"2428","Program_Commulative_2021":"2905","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program","description":"<strong>PEP Centers of Excellence<\/strong> are brick-and-mortar sites utilizing an urgent care model to ensure timely initiation of PEP, regardless of insurance, for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. The sites also provide patient navigation and support services.<br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there have been 2,905 enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence site. In total, 3,241 PEP prescriptions were received by clients and among these clients receiving PEP services, there were 3,706 PrEP eligibility assessments completed.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of prescriptions for PEP","measure_definition":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of prescriptions for PEP","number":"3241","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"455","Annual_2018":"1265","Annual_2019":"2184","Annual_2020":"2688","Annual_2021":"3241","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"455","Program_Commulative_2018":"1265","Program_Commulative_2019":"2184","Program_Commulative_2020":"2688","Program_Commulative_2021":"3241","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program","description":"<strong>PEP Centers of Excellence<\/strong> are brick-and-mortar sites utilizing an urgent care model to ensure timely initiation of PEP, regardless of insurance, for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. The sites also provide patient navigation and support services.<br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there have been 2,905 enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence site. In total, 3,241 PEP prescriptions were received by clients and among these clients receiving PEP services, there were 3,706 PrEP eligibility assessments completed.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PrEP eligibility assessments","measure_definition":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PrEP eligibility assessments","number":"3706","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"420","Annual_2018":"1218","Annual_2019":"2187","Annual_2020":"2875","Annual_2021":"3706","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"420","Program_Commulative_2018":"1218","Program_Commulative_2019":"2187","Program_Commulative_2020":"2875","Program_Commulative_2021":"3706","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program","description":"<strong>PEP Centers of Excellence<\/strong> are brick-and-mortar sites utilizing an urgent care model to ensure timely initiation of PEP, regardless of insurance, for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. The sites also provide patient navigation and support services.<br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there have been 2,905 enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence site. In total, 3,241 PEP prescriptions were received by clients and among these clients receiving PEP services, there were 3,706 PrEP eligibility assessments completed.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence","measure_definition":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"130","Q3_2017":"167","Q4_2017":"148","Q1_2018":"145","Q2_2018":"151","Q3_2018":"233","Q4_2018":"205","Annual_2017":"445","Annual_2018":"1179","Annual_2019":"1999","Annual_2020":"2428","Annual_2021":"2905","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"207","Q2_2019":"200","Q3_2019":"221","Q4_2019":"192","Q1_2020":"143","Q2_2020":"64","Q3_2020":"114","Q4_2020":"108","Q1_2021":"105","Q2_2021":"122","Q3_2021":"141","Q4_2021":"109","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"445","Program_Commulative_2018":"1179","Program_Commulative_2019":"1999","Program_Commulative_2020":"2428","Program_Commulative_2021":"2905","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program","description":"<strong>PEP Centers of Excellence<\/strong> are brick-and-mortar sites utilizing an urgent care model to ensure timely initiation of PEP, regardless of insurance, for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. The sites also provide patient navigation and support services.<br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there have been 2,905 enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence site. In total, 3,241 PEP prescriptions were received by clients and among these clients receiving PEP services, there were 3,706 PrEP eligibility assessments completed.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of prescriptions for PEP","measure_definition":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of prescriptions for PEP","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"123","Q3_2017":"172","Q4_2017":"160","Q1_2018":"157","Q2_2018":"167","Q3_2018":"256","Q4_2018":"230","Annual_2017":"455","Annual_2018":"1265","Annual_2019":"2184","Annual_2020":"2688","Annual_2021":"3241","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"237","Q2_2019":"231","Q3_2019":"245","Q4_2019":"206","Q1_2020":"168","Q2_2020":"75","Q3_2020":"138","Q4_2020":"123","Q1_2021":"117","Q2_2021":"138","Q3_2021":"167","Q4_2021":"131","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"455","Program_Commulative_2018":"1265","Program_Commulative_2019":"2184","Program_Commulative_2020":"2688","Program_Commulative_2021":"3241","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program","description":"<strong>PEP Centers of Excellence<\/strong> are brick-and-mortar sites utilizing an urgent care model to ensure timely initiation of PEP, regardless of insurance, for individuals who may have been exposed to HIV. The sites also provide patient navigation and support services.<br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there have been 2,905 enrollments at a PEP Center of Excellence site. In total, 3,241 PEP prescriptions were received by clients and among these clients receiving PEP services, there were 3,706 PrEP eligibility assessments completed.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PrEP eligibility assessments","measure_definition":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PrEP eligibility assessments","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"95","Q3_2017":"168","Q4_2017":"157","Q1_2018":"175","Q2_2018":"165","Q3_2018":"230","Q4_2018":"228","Annual_2017":"420","Annual_2018":"1218","Annual_2019":"2187","Annual_2020":"2875","Annual_2021":"3706","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"226","Q2_2019":"232","Q3_2019":"267","Q4_2019":"244","Q1_2020":"239","Q2_2020":"101","Q3_2020":"175","Q4_2020":"173","Q1_2021":"193","Q2_2021":"212","Q3_2021":"236","Q4_2021":"190","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"420","Program_Commulative_2018":"1218","Program_Commulative_2019":"2187","Program_Commulative_2020":"2875","Program_Commulative_2021":"3706","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PEP Centers of Excellence Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments at PEP Centers of Excellence are enrollments during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Prescriptions for PEP includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP eligibility assessments includes any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our PEP data page","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/pep-in-nys\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP for Adolescents","description":"The <strong>PrEP for Adolescents<\/strong> program consists of clinical sites engaging adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. Services include targeted outreach, assessment and education, PrEP and PEP clinical services, and linkage and support services. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 613 enrollments in the PrEP for Adolescents program. During this time the program conducted 703 education sessions on PrEP and PEP, and there were 440 PrEP initiations among program enrollees.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","measure_definition":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","number":"613","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"153","Annual_2018":"346","Annual_2019":"451","Annual_2020":"521","Annual_2021":"613","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"153","Program_Commulative_2018":"346","Program_Commulative_2019":"451","Program_Commulative_2020":"521","Program_Commulative_2021":"613","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP for Adolescents <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP for Adolescents","description":"The <strong>PrEP for Adolescents<\/strong> program consists of clinical sites engaging adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. Services include targeted outreach, assessment and education, PrEP and PEP clinical services, and linkage and support services. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 613 enrollments in the PrEP for Adolescents program. During this time the program conducted 703 education sessions on PrEP and PEP, and there were 440 PrEP initiations among program enrollees.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","measure_definition":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","number":"703","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"166","Annual_2018":"398","Annual_2019":"530","Annual_2020":"615","Annual_2021":"703","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"166","Program_Commulative_2018":"398","Program_Commulative_2019":"530","Program_Commulative_2020":"615","Program_Commulative_2021":"703","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP for Adolescents <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP for Adolescents","description":"The <strong>PrEP for Adolescents<\/strong> program consists of clinical sites engaging adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. Services include targeted outreach, assessment and education, PrEP and PEP clinical services, and linkage and support services. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 613 enrollments in the PrEP for Adolescents program. During this time the program conducted 703 education sessions on PrEP and PEP, and there were 440 PrEP initiations among program enrollees.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of PrEP initiations among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","measure_definition":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of PrEP initiations among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","number":"440","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"122","Annual_2018":"252","Annual_2019":"334","Annual_2020":"382","Annual_2021":"440","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"122","Program_Commulative_2018":"252","Program_Commulative_2019":"334","Program_Commulative_2020":"382","Program_Commulative_2021":"440","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP for Adolescents <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP for Adolescents","description":"The <strong>PrEP for Adolescents<\/strong> program consists of clinical sites engaging adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. Services include targeted outreach, assessment and education, PrEP and PEP clinical services, and linkage and support services. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 613 enrollments in the PrEP for Adolescents program. During this time the program conducted 703 education sessions on PrEP and PEP, and there were 440 PrEP initiations among program enrollees.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","measure_definition":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"50","Q3_2017":"54","Q4_2017":"49","Q1_2018":"62","Q2_2018":"38","Q3_2018":"53","Q4_2018":"40","Annual_2017":"153","Annual_2018":"346","Annual_2019":"451","Annual_2020":"521","Annual_2021":"613","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"31","Q2_2019":"19","Q3_2019":"25","Q4_2019":"30","Q1_2020":"27","Q2_2020":"4","Q3_2020":"23","Q4_2020":"16","Q1_2021":"28","Q2_2021":"14","Q3_2021":"33","Q4_2021":"17","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"153","Program_Commulative_2018":"346","Program_Commulative_2019":"451","Program_Commulative_2020":"521","Program_Commulative_2021":"613","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP for Adolescents <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP for Adolescents","description":"The <strong>PrEP for Adolescents<\/strong> program consists of clinical sites engaging adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. Services include targeted outreach, assessment and education, PrEP and PEP clinical services, and linkage and support services. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 613 enrollments in the PrEP for Adolescents program. During this time the program conducted 703 education sessions on PrEP and PEP, and there were 440 PrEP initiations among program enrollees.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","measure_definition":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PrEP\/PEP education sessions among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"56","Q3_2017":"56","Q4_2017":"54","Q1_2018":"66","Q2_2018":"51","Q3_2018":"60","Q4_2018":"55","Annual_2017":"166","Annual_2018":"398","Annual_2019":"530","Annual_2020":"615","Annual_2021":"703","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"46","Q2_2019":"32","Q3_2019":"21","Q4_2019":"33","Q1_2020":"33","Q2_2020":"13","Q3_2020":"22","Q4_2020":"17","Q1_2021":"21","Q2_2021":"20","Q3_2021":"28","Q4_2021":"19","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"166","Program_Commulative_2018":"398","Program_Commulative_2019":"530","Program_Commulative_2020":"615","Program_Commulative_2021":"703","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP for Adolescents <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP for Adolescents","description":"The <strong>PrEP for Adolescents<\/strong> program consists of clinical sites engaging adolescents in biomedical HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. Services include targeted outreach, assessment and education, PrEP and PEP clinical services, and linkage and support services. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 4 of 2021, there were 613 enrollments in the PrEP for Adolescents program. During this time the program conducted 703 education sessions on PrEP and PEP, and there were 440 PrEP initiations among program enrollees.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Number of PrEP initiations among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","measure_definition":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of PrEP initiations among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program","number":"","Q1_2017":"NA","Q2_2017":"41","Q3_2017":"41","Q4_2017":"40","Q1_2018":"43","Q2_2018":"22","Q3_2018":"36","Q4_2018":"29","Annual_2017":"122","Annual_2018":"252","Annual_2019":"334","Annual_2020":"382","Annual_2021":"440","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"27","Q2_2019":"13","Q3_2019":"23","Q4_2019":"19","Q1_2020":"20","Q2_2020":"6","Q3_2020":"10","Q4_2020":"12","Q1_2021":"11","Q2_2021":"13","Q3_2021":"22","Q4_2021":"12","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"122","Program_Commulative_2018":"252","Program_Commulative_2019":"334","Program_Commulative_2020":"382","Program_Commulative_2021":"440","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP for Adolescents <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Enrollments among clients in the PrEP for Adolescents program include enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"PrEP\/PEP education sessions include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"PrEP initiations include any instance of this service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 11\/20\/2020. Data collection and reporting through eSHARE begins in April 2017.","notes_row3":"PlaySure Network (including PEP Call Center, PEP Centers of Excellence and PrEP for Adolescents) has been comprised of over 40 agency partners. More information on the Network and partners can be found here: ","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"https:\/\/www1.nyc.gov\/site\/doh\/providers\/resources\/playsure-network.page","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns","description":"<strong>PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns<\/strong> involve highly trained, full-time teams conducting one-on-one educational visits with providers during which providers receive a PrEP and PEP Action Kit with tools to support them in delivering comprehensive HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. <br\/><br\/>During July - October 2016 and February - April 2017, 1,127 PrEP & PEP prescribing providers were visited to encourage comprehensive sexual health care and provision of PrEP and PEP. Of the providers visited, 401 providers were located in a United Hospital Fund (UHF) area in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men who have sex with men. A total of 696 providers were located in a UHF in the top two quartiles for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men were visited.<br\/><br\/> During May - November 2019, 1,348 women's health care providers were visited. Of the providers visited, 270 were located in a ZIP code in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women. A total of 557 providers were visited that were located in a ZIP code in the top two quartiles of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP11 <\/button><button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 11<\/strong><\/div>Undertake a statewide education campaign on PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of providers detailed (2016-2017)","measure_definition":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_i_hover":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","chart_header_second_line":"","number":"1127","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"","Annual_2018":"","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row2":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile United Hospital Funds (UHFs) of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino MSM.","measure_detail_row3":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row4":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile of ZIP codes of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data provided by representatives who conducted the detailing visits, and cross-referenced with HIV surveillance data to identify sites in neighborhoods with the highest numbers of new HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men (2017) and Black and Latina women (2018).","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns","description":"<strong>PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns<\/strong> involve highly trained, full-time teams conducting one-on-one educational visits with providers during which providers receive a PrEP and PEP Action Kit with tools to support them in delivering comprehensive HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. <br\/><br\/>During July - October 2016 and February - April 2017, 1,127 PrEP & PEP prescribing providers were visited to encourage comprehensive sexual health care and provision of PrEP and PEP. Of the providers visited, 401 providers were located in a United Hospital Fund (UHF) area in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men who have sex with men. A total of 696 providers were located in a UHF in the top two quartiles for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men were visited.<br\/><br\/> During May - November 2019, 1,348 women's health care providers were visited. Of the providers visited, 270 were located in a ZIP code in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women. A total of 557 providers were visited that were located in a ZIP code in the top two quartiles of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP11 <\/button><button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 11<\/strong><\/div>Undertake a statewide education campaign on PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of providers detailed at sites in neighborhoods with high HIV burden among Black and Latino men (2016-2017)","measure_definition":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile United Hospital Funds (UHFs) of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino MSM.","measure_i_hover":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile United Hospital Funds (UHFs) of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino MSM.","chart_header_second_line":"","number":"401","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"","Annual_2018":"","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row2":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile United Hospital Funds (UHFs) of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino MSM.","measure_detail_row3":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row4":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile of ZIP codes of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data provided by representatives who conducted the detailing visits, and cross-referenced with HIV surveillance data to identify sites in neighborhoods with the highest numbers of new HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men (2017) and Black and Latina women (2018).","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns","description":"<strong>PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns<\/strong> involve highly trained, full-time teams conducting one-on-one educational visits with providers during which providers receive a PrEP and PEP Action Kit with tools to support them in delivering comprehensive HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. <br\/><br\/>During July - October 2016 and February - April 2017, 1,127 PrEP & PEP prescribing providers were visited to encourage comprehensive sexual health care and provision of PrEP and PEP. Of the providers visited, 401 providers were located in a United Hospital Fund (UHF) area in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men who have sex with men. A total of 696 providers were located in a UHF in the top two quartiles for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men were visited.<br\/><br\/> During May - November 2019, 1,348 women's health care providers were visited. Of the providers visited, 270 were located in a ZIP code in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women. A total of 557 providers were visited that were located in a ZIP code in the top two quartiles of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP11 <\/button><button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 11<\/strong><\/div>Undertake a statewide education campaign on PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of providers detailed (2019)","measure_definition":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_i_hover":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","chart_header_second_line":"","number":"1348","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"","Annual_2018":"","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row2":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile United Hospital Funds (UHFs) of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino MSM.","measure_detail_row3":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row4":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile of ZIP codes of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data provided by representatives who conducted the detailing visits, and cross-referenced with HIV surveillance data to identify sites in neighborhoods with the highest numbers of new HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men (2017) and Black and Latina women (2018).","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns","description":"<strong>PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns<\/strong> involve highly trained, full-time teams conducting one-on-one educational visits with providers during which providers receive a PrEP and PEP Action Kit with tools to support them in delivering comprehensive HIV prevention services, including PrEP and PEP. <br\/><br\/>During July - October 2016 and February - April 2017, 1,127 PrEP & PEP prescribing providers were visited to encourage comprehensive sexual health care and provision of PrEP and PEP. Of the providers visited, 401 providers were located in a United Hospital Fund (UHF) area in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men who have sex with men. A total of 696 providers were located in a UHF in the top two quartiles for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men were visited.<br\/><br\/> During May - November 2019, 1,348 women's health care providers were visited. Of the providers visited, 270 were located in a ZIP code in the highest quartile for HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women. A total of 557 providers were visited that were located in a ZIP code in the top two quartiles of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP11 <\/button><button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 11<\/strong><\/div>Undertake a statewide education campaign on PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Number of providers detailed at sites in neighborhoods with high HIV burden among Black and Latinx women (2019)","measure_definition":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile of ZIP codes of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","measure_i_hover":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile of ZIP codes of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","chart_header_second_line":"","number":"270","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"","Annual_2018":"","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"","Program_Commulative_2018":"","Program_Commulative_2019":"","Program_Commulative_2020":"","Program_Commulative_2021":"","Program_Commulative_2022":"","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"PrEP and PEP public health detailing campaigns <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row2":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile United Hospital Funds (UHFs) of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino MSM.","measure_detail_row3":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated.","measure_detail_row4":"The providers detailed include clinical providers who were visited by representatives of the PrEP & PEP detailing campaign during the time designated and whose practices are located in neighborhoods in the top quartile of ZIP codes of HIV diagnoses among Black and Latina women.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Counts are based on data provided by representatives who conducted the detailing visits, and cross-referenced with HIV surveillance data to identify sites in neighborhoods with the highest numbers of new HIV diagnoses among Black and Latino men (2017) and Black and Latina women (2018).","notes_row3":"","notes_row4":"","notes_row5":"","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Individuals enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","measure_definition":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of individuals enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","number":"3690","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"772\n","Annual_2018":"938","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"1","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"773","Program_Commulative_2018":"1712","Program_Commulative_2019":"2684","Program_Commulative_2020":"3029","Program_Commulative_2021":"3459","Program_Commulative_2022":"3690","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"","link_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Enrollees who received health education and\/or PrEP education","measure_definition":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollees who received health education and\/or PrEP education","number":"3550","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"741","Annual_2018":"921","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"741","Program_Commulative_2018":"1667","Program_Commulative_2019":"2627","Program_Commulative_2020":"2961","Program_Commulative_2021":"3345","Program_Commulative_2022":"3550","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"","link_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Enrollees linked to PrEP","measure_definition":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollees linked to PrEP","number":"1980","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"438","Annual_2018":"542","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"438","Program_Commulative_2018":"985","Program_Commulative_2019":"1523","Program_Commulative_2020":"1692","Program_Commulative_2021":"1851","Program_Commulative_2022":"1980","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Enrollees linked to PrEP are unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"","link_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Enrollees linked to a non-PrEP service","measure_definition":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollees linked to a non-PrEP service","number":"1985","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"277","Annual_2018":"502","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"277","Program_Commulative_2018":"783","Program_Commulative_2019":"1316","Program_Commulative_2020":"1554","Program_Commulative_2021":"1800","Program_Commulative_2022":"1985","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/"},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Individuals enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","measure_definition":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of individuals enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","number":"","Q1_2017":"21","Q2_2017":"188","Q3_2017":"286","Q4_2017":"277","Q1_2018":"222","Q2_2018":"290","Q3_2018":"230","Q4_2018":"197","Annual_2017":"773","Annual_2018":"938","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"1","Q1_2019":"210","Q2_2019":"305","Q3_2019":"279","Q4_2019":"178","Q1_2020":"137","Q2_2020":"30","Q3_2020":"108","Q4_2020":"70","Q1_2021":"91","Q2_2021":"151","Q3_2021":"93","Q4_2021":"95","Q1_2022":"122","Q2_2022":"109","Q3_2022":"0","Q4_2022":"0","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"773","Program_Commulative_2018":"1712","Program_Commulative_2019":"2684","Program_Commulative_2020":"3029","Program_Commulative_2021":"3459","Program_Commulative_2022":"3690","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"","link_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Enrollees who received health education and\/or PrEP education","measure_definition":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollees who received health education and\/or PrEP education","number":"","Q1_2017":"17","Q2_2017":"179","Q3_2017":"295","Q4_2017":"320","Q1_2018":"270","Q2_2018":"365","Q3_2018":"303","Q4_2018":"280","Annual_2017":"741","Annual_2018":"921","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"309","Q2_2019":"382","Q3_2019":"359","Q4_2019":"257","Q1_2020":"217","Q2_2020":"105","Q3_2020":"134","Q4_2020":"100","Q1_2021":"111","Q2_2021":"186","Q3_2021":"126","Q4_2021":"151","Q1_2022":"170","Q2_2022":"151","Q3_2022":"0","Q4_2022":"0","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"741","Program_Commulative_2018":"1667","Program_Commulative_2019":"2627","Program_Commulative_2020":"2961","Program_Commulative_2021":"3345","Program_Commulative_2022":"3550","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"","link_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Enrollees linked to PrEP","measure_definition":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollees linked to PrEP","number":"","Q1_2017":"7","Q2_2017":"78","Q3_2017":"177","Q4_2017":"179","Q1_2018":"152","Q2_2018":"150","Q3_2018":"129","Q4_2018":"129","Annual_2017":"438","Annual_2018":"542","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"131","Q2_2019":"169","Q3_2019":"156","Q4_2019":"107","Q1_2020":"86","Q2_2020":"5","Q3_2020":"62","Q4_2020":"35","Q1_2021":"35","Q2_2021":"43","Q3_2021":"48","Q4_2021":"49","Q1_2022":"74","Q2_2022":"64","Q3_2022":"0","Q4_2022":"0","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"438","Program_Commulative_2018":"985","Program_Commulative_2019":"1523","Program_Commulative_2020":"1692","Program_Commulative_2021":"1851","Program_Commulative_2022":"1980","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"","link_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_text_row2":"","link_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program","description":"The <strong>Status Neutral Care Coordination Program<\/strong> utilizes a client-centered patient navigation approach to connect people at risk for HIV to biomedical HIV prevention services, as well as needed medical and social support services to address health insurance, housing, food and nutrition, mental health, and other needs. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through the end of the program in Quarter 2 of 2022, the Status Neutral Care Coordination program enrolled 3,690 participants and provided 3,550 enrollees with health and\/or PrEP education. During this period, 1,980 enrollees were linked to PrEP and 1,985 enrollees received one or more non-PrEP related service.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP4<\/button><button> BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 4<\/strong><\/div>Improve referral and engagement.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Enrollees linked to a non-PrEP service","measure_definition":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollees linked to a non-PrEP service","number":"","Q1_2017":"8","Q2_2017":"45","Q3_2017":"150","Q4_2017":"102","Q1_2018":"91","Q2_2018":"173","Q3_2018":"182","Q4_2018":"185","Annual_2017":"277","Annual_2018":"502","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"146","Q2_2019":"197","Q3_2019":"242","Q4_2019":"151","Q1_2020":"145","Q2_2020":"76","Q3_2020":"97","Q4_2020":"80","Q1_2021":"78","Q2_2021":"124","Q3_2021":"81","Q4_2021":"96","Q1_2022":"139","Q2_2022":"142","Q3_2022":"0","Q4_2022":"0","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"277","Program_Commulative_2018":"783","Program_Commulative_2019":"1316","Program_Commulative_2020":"1554","Program_Commulative_2021":"1800","Program_Commulative_2022":"1985","Program_Commulative_2023":"","Program_Commulative_2024":"","chart_title_row":"Status Neutral Care Coordination Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique clients with a new, valid enrollment during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received PrEP\/PEP education and\/or general health education during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique clients who completed an appointment with a PrEP provider during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row4":"Unique clients who completed an appointment for at least 1 non-PrEP service during the specified time period.","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017 and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 04\/18\/2023. Contract closed as of June 2022.","notes_row3":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in Status Neutral Care Coordination, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals). ","notes_row4":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals.","notes_row5":"The Status Neutral Care Coordination Program has been comprised of 8 agency partners. More information on the Status Neutral Care Coordination Program can be found here: ","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/targethiv.org\/sites\/default\/files\/supporting-files\/11022_Belfon508.pdf","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","description":"The <strong>Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program<\/strong> reaches persons who use methamphetamine and provides health education, group support and individual counseling, clinical services for PEP and PrEP, pharmacotherapy, and HIV, STI and Hepatitis C care and prevention. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 2 of 2024, 633 individuals were enrolled in Ending the Epidemic Programs for methamphetamine users. 503 enrollees received at least one clinical or support services related to methamphetamine use, including meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy. Of the enrollees that did not have an HIV diagnosis at enrollment, 71 enrollees were linked to PrEP through the program.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Individuals enrolled in the ETE Programs for Methamphetamine Users","measure_definition":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_i_hover":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","number":"579","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"115","Annual_2018":"98","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"1","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"117","Program_Commulative_2018":"214","Program_Commulative_2019":"337","Program_Commulative_2020":"380","Program_Commulative_2021":"428","Program_Commulative_2022":"477","Program_Commulative_2023":"579","Program_Commulative_2024":"633","chart_title_row":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category). ","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Starting July 1st 2022, the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program became status-neutral regarding enrollment meaning both people with and without HIV are eligible to enroll directly in the program. Prior to July 1st, 2022, people with HIV had their Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction services provided through the Ryan White Part A-funded harm reduction services.","notes_row4":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals).","notes_row5":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row6":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction has been comprised of 3 agency partners. More information on the programs and partners can be found here: ","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/recharge.support\/","link2_notes_row6":"https:\/\/gaycenter.org\/","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","description":"The <strong>Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program<\/strong> reaches persons who use methamphetamine and provides health education, group support and individual counseling, clinical services for PEP and PrEP, pharmacotherapy, and HIV, STI and Hepatitis C care and prevention. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 2 of 2024, 633 individuals were enrolled in Ending the Epidemic Programs for methamphetamine users. 503 enrollees received at least one clinical or support services related to methamphetamine use, including meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy. Of the enrollees that did not have an HIV diagnosis at enrollment, 71 enrollees were linked to PrEP through the program.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Enrollees receiving clinical\/support services related to the use of methamphetamine","measure_definition":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollees receiving clinical\/support services related to the use of methamphetamine","number":"418","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"88","Annual_2018":"91","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"89","Program_Commulative_2018":"182","Program_Commulative_2019":"271","Program_Commulative_2020":"310","Program_Commulative_2021":"348","Program_Commulative_2022":"394","Program_Commulative_2023":"418","Program_Commulative_2024":"503","chart_title_row":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category). ","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Starting July 1st 2022, the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program became status-neutral regarding enrollment meaning both people with and without HIV are eligible to enroll directly in the program. Prior to July 1st, 2022, people with HIV had their Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction services provided through the Ryan White Part A-funded harm reduction services.","notes_row4":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals).","notes_row5":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row6":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction has been comprised of 3 agency partners. More information on the programs and partners can be found here: ","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/recharge.support\/","link2_notes_row6":"https:\/\/gaycenter.org\/","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","description":"The <strong>Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program<\/strong> reaches persons who use methamphetamine and provides health education, group support and individual counseling, clinical services for PEP and PrEP, pharmacotherapy, and HIV, STI and Hepatitis C care and prevention. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 2 of 2024, 633 individuals were enrolled in Ending the Epidemic Programs for methamphetamine users. 503 enrollees received at least one clinical or support services related to methamphetamine use, including meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy. Of the enrollees that did not have an HIV diagnosis at enrollment, 71 enrollees were linked to PrEP through the program.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Enrollees using methamphetamine who are linked to PrEP","measure_definition":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_i_hover":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollees using methamphetamine who are linked to PrEP","number":"58","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"14","Annual_2018":"11","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"14","Program_Commulative_2018":"25","Program_Commulative_2019":"30","Program_Commulative_2020":"41","Program_Commulative_2021":"48","Program_Commulative_2022":"55","Program_Commulative_2023":"58","Program_Commulative_2024":"71","chart_title_row":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category). ","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Starting July 1st 2022, the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program became status-neutral regarding enrollment meaning both people with and without HIV are eligible to enroll directly in the program. Prior to July 1st, 2022, people with HIV had their Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction services provided through the Ryan White Part A-funded harm reduction services.","notes_row4":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals).","notes_row5":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row6":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction has been comprised of 3 agency partners. More information on the programs and partners can be found here: ","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/recharge.support\/","link2_notes_row6":"https:\/\/gaycenter.org\/","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","description":"The <strong>Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program<\/strong> reaches persons who use methamphetamine and provides health education, group support and individual counseling, clinical services for PEP and PrEP, pharmacotherapy, and HIV, STI and Hepatitis C care and prevention. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 2 of 2024, 633 individuals were enrolled in Ending the Epidemic Programs for methamphetamine users. 503 enrollees received at least one clinical or support services related to methamphetamine use, including meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy. Of the enrollees that did not have an HIV diagnosis at enrollment, 71 enrollees were linked to PrEP through the program.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Individuals enrolled in the ETE Programs for Methamphetamine Users","measure_definition":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_i_hover":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","chart_header_second_line":"Number of individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","number":"","Q1_2017":"15","Q2_2017":"11","Q3_2017":"43","Q4_2017":"47","Q1_2018":"33","Q2_2018":"23","Q3_2018":"18","Q4_2018":"23","Annual_2017":"115","Annual_2018":"98","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"1","Q1_2019":"28","Q2_2019":"20","Q3_2019":"48","Q4_2019":"27","Q1_2020":"23","Q2_2020":"4","Q3_2020":"11","Q4_2020":"5","Q1_2021":"13","Q2_2021":"12","Q3_2021":"11","Q4_2021":"12","Q1_2022":"16","Q2_2022":"19","Q3_2022":"6","Q4_2022":"6","Q1_2023":"26","Q2_2023":"23","Q3_2023":"21","Q4_2023":"33","Q1_2024":"25","Q2_2024":"28","Program_Commulative_2017":"117","Program_Commulative_2018":"214","Program_Commulative_2019":"337","Program_Commulative_2020":"380","Program_Commulative_2021":"428","Program_Commulative_2022":"477","Program_Commulative_2023":"579","Program_Commulative_2024":"633","chart_title_row":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category). ","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Starting July 1st 2022, the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program became status-neutral regarding enrollment meaning both people with and without HIV are eligible to enroll directly in the program. Prior to July 1st, 2022, people with HIV had their Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction services provided through the Ryan White Part A-funded harm reduction services.","notes_row4":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals).","notes_row5":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row6":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction has been comprised of 3 agency partners. More information on the programs and partners can be found here: ","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/recharge.support\/","link2_notes_row6":"https:\/\/gaycenter.org\/","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","description":"The <strong>Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program<\/strong> reaches persons who use methamphetamine and provides health education, group support and individual counseling, clinical services for PEP and PrEP, pharmacotherapy, and HIV, STI and Hepatitis C care and prevention. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 2 of 2024, 633 individuals were enrolled in Ending the Epidemic Programs for methamphetamine users. 503 enrollees received at least one clinical or support services related to methamphetamine use, including meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy. Of the enrollees that did not have an HIV diagnosis at enrollment, 71 enrollees were linked to PrEP through the program.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Enrollees receiving clinical\/support services related to the use of methamphetamine","measure_definition":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollees receiving clinical\/support services related to the use of methamphetamine","number":"","Q1_2017":"12","Q2_2017":"17","Q3_2017":"46","Q4_2017":"68","Q1_2018":"96","Q2_2018":"77","Q3_2018":"78","Q4_2018":"79","Annual_2017":"88","Annual_2018":"91","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"85","Q2_2019":"79","Q3_2019":"87","Q4_2019":"80","Q1_2020":"94","Q2_2020":"65","Q3_2020":"74","Q4_2020":"77","Q1_2021":"83","Q2_2021":"80","Q3_2021":"81","Q4_2021":"52","Q1_2022":"84","Q2_2022":"72","Q3_2022":"50","Q4_2022":"55","Q1_2023":"55","Q2_2023":"51","Q3_2023":"71","Q4_2023":"83","Q1_2024":"108","Q2_2024":"96","Program_Commulative_2017":"89","Program_Commulative_2018":"182","Program_Commulative_2019":"271","Program_Commulative_2020":"310","Program_Commulative_2021":"348","Program_Commulative_2022":"394","Program_Commulative_2023":"418","Program_Commulative_2024":"503","chart_title_row":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category). ","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Starting July 1st 2022, the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program became status-neutral regarding enrollment meaning both people with and without HIV are eligible to enroll directly in the program. Prior to July 1st, 2022, people with HIV had their Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction services provided through the Ryan White Part A-funded harm reduction services.","notes_row4":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals).","notes_row5":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row6":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction has been comprised of 3 agency partners. More information on the programs and partners can be found here: ","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/recharge.support\/","link2_notes_row6":"https:\/\/gaycenter.org\/","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program","description":"The <strong>Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program<\/strong> reaches persons who use methamphetamine and provides health education, group support and individual counseling, clinical services for PEP and PrEP, pharmacotherapy, and HIV, STI and Hepatitis C care and prevention. <br\/><br\/> From program rollout through Quarter 2 of 2024, 633 individuals were enrolled in Ending the Epidemic Programs for methamphetamine users. 503 enrollees received at least one clinical or support services related to methamphetamine use, including meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy. Of the enrollees that did not have an HIV diagnosis at enrollment, 71 enrollees were linked to PrEP through the program.","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP12<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 12<\/strong><\/div>Include a variety of statewide programs for distribution and increased access to PrEP and nPEP.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Enrollees using methamphetamine who are linked to PrEP","measure_definition":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_i_hover":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollees using methamphetamine who are linked to PrEP","number":"","Q1_2017":"4","Q2_2017":"6","Q3_2017":"7","Q4_2017":"6","Q1_2018":"3","Q2_2018":"5","Q3_2018":"5","Q4_2018":"6","Annual_2017":"14","Annual_2018":"11","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"4","Q2_2019":"0","Q3_2019":"3","Q4_2019":"4","Q1_2020":"10","Q2_2020":"8","Q3_2020":"12","Q4_2020":"5","Q1_2021":"14","Q2_2021":"7","Q3_2021":"6","Q4_2021":"0","Q1_2022":"3","Q2_2022":"3","Q3_2022":"2","Q4_2022":"17","Q1_2023":"4","Q2_2023":"7","Q3_2023":"7","Q4_2023":"4","Q1_2024":"2","Q2_2024":"4","Program_Commulative_2017":"14","Program_Commulative_2018":"25","Program_Commulative_2019":"30","Program_Commulative_2020":"41","Program_Commulative_2021":"48","Program_Commulative_2022":"55","Program_Commulative_2023":"58","Program_Commulative_2024":"71","chart_title_row":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category). ","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who received at least one of the following services during the specified time period: meth counseling, health education, initial medical visit, psychiatric visit, or pharmacotherapy.","measure_detail_row3":"Unique HIV-negative clients who reported recent (past 3 months) meth use on their most recent assessment and received at least one of the following during the specified time period: PrEP Dispensed, PrEP Prescription, or referral to PrEP Services with a completed appointment.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI.","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All counts are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Starting July 1st 2022, the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program became status-neutral regarding enrollment meaning both people with and without HIV are eligible to enroll directly in the program. Prior to July 1st, 2022, people with HIV had their Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction services provided through the Ryan White Part A-funded harm reduction services.","notes_row4":"(a) Enrollment indicator data for the individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year) as 1 client enrolled in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program prior to January 1, 2017. This client is included in the cumulative totals, but not in a count for an individual quarter. (b) If a client has >1 enrollment in the Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Services Program, only their first enrollment is counted, so that the client counts only once (in quarterly data and in the cumulative totals).","notes_row5":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row6":"Crystal Methamphetamine Harm Reduction has been comprised of 3 agency partners. More information on the programs and partners can be found here: ","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/recharge.support\/","link2_notes_row6":"https:\/\/gaycenter.org\/","link_text_row1":"Want more data on PrEP and PEP use in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our Prevention data page","link_row2":"https:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevention\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"The Undetectables","description":"<strong>The Undetectables<\/strong> is an HIV antiretroviral treatment support model combining a social marketing campaign with a toolkit of evidence-based adherence supports, including client-centered care planning and financial incentives for clients achieving viral suppression. <br\/><br\/> From 2017 through Q2 2024, 4,509 individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Program. A total of 3,547 enrollees had a suppressed viral load measured (\u2264200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive. \n","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP6<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 6<\/strong><\/div>Incentivize performance.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program","measure_definition":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_i_hover":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program","number":"4278","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"1522","Annual_2018":"825","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"77","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"1659","Program_Commulative_2018":"2437","Program_Commulative_2019":"2942","Program_Commulative_2020":"3234","Program_Commulative_2021":"3584","Program_Commulative_2022":"3790","Program_Commulative_2023":"4278","Program_Commulative_2024":"4509","chart_title_row":"The Undetectables <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI. ","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All indicators are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row4":"Quarter 4 of 2017 is the first quarter with a sustained viral suppression estimate because data collection began in January 2017 and this indicator requires 4 quarters of data.","notes_row5":"The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program has been comprised of 7 agency partners. More information on The Undetectables and partners can be found here: https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Cascades","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevalence-and-care\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"The Undetectables","description":"<strong>The Undetectables<\/strong> is an HIV antiretroviral treatment support model combining a social marketing campaign with a toolkit of evidence-based adherence supports, including client-centered care planning and financial incentives for clients achieving viral suppression. <br\/><br\/> From 2017 through Q2 2024, 4,509 individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Program. A total of 3,547 enrollees had a suppressed viral load measured (\u2264200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive. \n","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP6<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 6<\/strong><\/div>Incentivize performance.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Enrollees who received at least one financial incentive for viral load suppression","measure_definition":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Cumulative number of enrollees who received at least one financial incentive for viral load suppression","number":"3261","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"1024","Annual_2018":"754","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"1030","Program_Commulative_2018":"1778","Program_Commulative_2019":"2165","Program_Commulative_2020":"2557","Program_Commulative_2021":"2818","Program_Commulative_2022":"2974","Program_Commulative_2023":"3261","Program_Commulative_2024":"3547","chart_title_row":"The Undetectables <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI. ","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All indicators are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row4":"Quarter 4 of 2017 is the first quarter with a sustained viral suppression estimate because data collection began in January 2017 and this indicator requires 4 quarters of data.","notes_row5":"The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program has been comprised of 7 agency partners. More information on The Undetectables and partners can be found here: https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Want more data on viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV in New York City or State?","link_row2":"","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"The Undetectables","description":"<strong>The Undetectables<\/strong> is an HIV antiretroviral treatment support model combining a social marketing campaign with a toolkit of evidence-based adherence supports, including client-centered care planning and financial incentives for clients achieving viral suppression. <br\/><br\/> From 2017 through Q2 2024, 4,509 individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Program. A total of 3,547 enrollees had a suppressed viral load measured (\u2264200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive. \n","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP6<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 6<\/strong><\/div>Incentivize performance.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Program Cumulative","measures":"Proportion of active clients with sustained viral load suppression in past 12 months","measure_definition":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_i_hover":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed","chart_header_second_line":"Proportion of active clients with sustained viral load suppression in past 12 months","number":"75.3","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"","Q1_2018":"","Q2_2018":"","Q3_2018":"","Q4_2018":"","Annual_2017":"886","Annual_2018":"415","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"","Q2_2019":"","Q3_2019":"","Q4_2019":"","Q1_2020":"","Q2_2020":"","Q3_2020":"","Q4_2020":"","Q1_2021":"","Q2_2021":"","Q3_2021":"","Q4_2021":"","Q1_2022":"","Q2_2022":"","Q3_2022":"","Q4_2022":"","Q1_2023":"","Q2_2023":"","Q3_2023":"","Q4_2023":"","Q1_2024":"","Q2_2024":"","Program_Commulative_2017":"77.2","Program_Commulative_2018":"74.8","Program_Commulative_2019":"71.1","Program_Commulative_2020":"71.5","Program_Commulative_2021":"71.3","Program_Commulative_2022":"73.2","Program_Commulative_2023":"75.3","Program_Commulative_2024":"81.1","chart_title_row":"The Undetectables <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI. ","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All indicators are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row4":"Quarter 4 of 2017 is the first quarter with a sustained viral suppression estimate because data collection began in January 2017 and this indicator requires 4 quarters of data.","notes_row5":"The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program has been comprised of 7 agency partners. More information on The Undetectables and partners can be found here: https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Cascades","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevalence-and-care\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"The Undetectables","description":"<strong>The Undetectables<\/strong> is an HIV antiretroviral treatment support model combining a social marketing campaign with a toolkit of evidence-based adherence supports, including client-centered care planning and financial incentives for clients achieving viral suppression. <br\/><br\/> From 2017 through Q2 2024, 4,509 individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Program. A total of 3,547 enrollees had a suppressed viral load measured (\u2264200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive. \n","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP6<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 6<\/strong><\/div>Incentivize performance.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program","measure_definition":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_i_hover":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","chart_header_second_line":"Number of individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program","number":"","Q1_2017":"472","Q2_2017":"617","Q3_2017":"316","Q4_2017":"177","Q1_2018":"186","Q2_2018":"219","Q3_2018":"218","Q4_2018":"155","Annual_2017":"1522","Annual_2018":"825","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"77","Q1_2019":"143","Q2_2019":"128","Q3_2019":"118","Q4_2019":"116","Q1_2020":"109","Q2_2020":"48","Q3_2020":"66","Q4_2020":"69","Q1_2021":"83","Q2_2021":"59","Q3_2021":"92","Q4_2021":"115","Q1_2022":"113","Q2_2022":"65","Q3_2022":"5","Q4_2022":"22","Q1_2023":"111","Q2_2023":"125","Q3_2023":"150","Q4_2023":"104","Q1_2024":"127","Q2_2024":"101","Program_Commulative_2017":"1659","Program_Commulative_2018":"2437","Program_Commulative_2019":"2942","Program_Commulative_2020":"3234","Program_Commulative_2021":"3584","Program_Commulative_2022":"3789","Program_Commulative_2023":"4278","Program_Commulative_2024":"4509","chart_title_row":"The Undetectables <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI. ","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All indicators are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row4":"Quarter 4 of 2017 is the first quarter with a sustained viral suppression estimate because data collection began in January 2017 and this indicator requires 4 quarters of data.","notes_row5":"The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program has been comprised of 7 agency partners. More information on The Undetectables and partners can be found here: https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"Want more data on viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV in New York City or State?","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Visit our HIV Care Cascades","link_row2":"http:\/\/etedashboardny.org\/data\/prevalence-and-care\/","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"The Undetectables","description":"<strong>The Undetectables<\/strong> is an HIV antiretroviral treatment support model combining a social marketing campaign with a toolkit of evidence-based adherence supports, including client-centered care planning and financial incentives for clients achieving viral suppression. <br\/><br\/> From 2017 through Q2 2024, 4,509 individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Program. A total of 3,547 enrollees had a suppressed viral load measured (\u2264200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive. \n","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP6<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 6<\/strong><\/div>Incentivize performance.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Enrollees who received at least one financial incentive for viral load suppression","measure_definition":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_i_hover":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","chart_header_second_line":"Number of enrollees who received at least one financial incentive for viral load suppression","number":"","Q1_2017":"79","Q2_2017":"265","Q3_2017":"503","Q4_2017":"565","Q1_2018":"553","Q2_2018":"741","Q3_2018":"748","Q4_2018":"685","Annual_2017":"684","Annual_2018":"1024","Annual_2019":"754","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"","Q1_2019":"740","Q2_2019":"688","Q3_2019":"754","Q4_2019":"666","Q1_2020":"622","Q2_2020":"474","Q3_2020":"675","Q4_2020":"654","Q1_2021":"739","Q2_2021":"609","Q3_2021":"725","Q4_2021":"714","Q1_2022":"770","Q2_2022":"503","Q3_2022":"90","Q4_2022":"103","Q1_2023":"142","Q2_2023":"167","Q3_2023":"192","Q4_2023":"233","Q1_2024":"314","Q2_2024":"293","Program_Commulative_2017":"1030","Program_Commulative_2018":"1778","Program_Commulative_2019":"2165","Program_Commulative_2020":"2557","Program_Commulative_2021":"2818","Program_Commulative_2022":"2974","Program_Commulative_2023":"3261","Program_Commulative_2024":"3547","chart_title_row":"The Undetectables <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI. ","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All indicators are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row4":"Quarter 4 of 2017 is the first quarter with a sustained viral suppression estimate because data collection began in January 2017 and this indicator requires 4 quarters of data.","notes_row5":"The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program has been comprised of 7 agency partners. More information on The Undetectables and partners can be found here: https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Want more data on viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV in New York City or State?","link_row2":"","":""},{"program_group":"NYC DOHMH, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI","program_title":"The Undetectables","description":"<strong>The Undetectables<\/strong> is an HIV antiretroviral treatment support model combining a social marketing campaign with a toolkit of evidence-based adherence supports, including client-centered care planning and financial incentives for clients achieving viral suppression. <br\/><br\/> From 2017 through Q2 2024, 4,509 individuals enrolled in The Undetectables Program. A total of 3,547 enrollees had a suppressed viral load measured (\u2264200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive. \n","recommendation":"Relevant ETE Blueprint Recommendations <button>BP6<\/button>","BP_hover_1":"<div style=\"text-align:center;\"><strong>ETE Blueprint Recommendation 6<\/strong><\/div>Incentivize performance.<\/br>Please visit the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.health.ny.gov\/diseases\/aids\/ending_the_epidemic\/docs\/blueprint.pdf\">ETE Blueprint<\/a> for a full description of this recommendation.","BP_hover_2":"","time_period":"Quarterly","measures":"Proportion of active clients with sustained viral load suppression in past 12 months","measure_definition":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_i_hover":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed","chart_header_second_line":"Proportion of active clients with sustained viral load suppression in past 12 months","number":"","Q1_2017":"","Q2_2017":"","Q3_2017":"","Q4_2017":"77.2","Q1_2018":"74.9","Q2_2018":"75.1","Q3_2018":"75.7","Q4_2018":"74.8","Annual_2017":"886","Annual_2018":"415","Annual_2019":"","Annual_2020":"","Annual_2021":"","Annual_2022":"","Prior_to_2017":"n\/a","Q1_2019":"75.5","Q2_2019":"73.7","Q3_2019":"72.6","Q4_2019":"71.1","Q1_2020":"70.9","Q2_2020":"71.1","Q3_2020":"71.3","Q4_2020":"71.5","Q1_2021":"71.1","Q2_2021":"71.4","Q3_2021":"71","Q4_2021":"71.3","Q1_2022":"70.9","Q2_2022":"72.1","Q3_2022":"74.9","Q4_2022":"73.2","Q1_2023":"72.7","Q2_2023":"74.2","Q3_2023":"74.2","Q4_2023":"74.9","Q1_2024":"78.8","Q2_2024":"81.1","Program_Commulative_2017":"77.2","Program_Commulative_2018":"74.8","Program_Commulative_2019":"71.1","Program_Commulative_2020":"71.5","Program_Commulative_2021":"71.3","Program_Commulative_2022":"73.2","Program_Commulative_2023":"73.2","Program_Commulative_2024":"81.1","chart_title_row":"The Undetectables <br\/> Program summary through 2018","measure_detail_row1":"Unique individuals newly enrolled in The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program (each individual appears only in the period in which they had their first enrollment in this service category).","measure_detail_row2":"Unique clients who had a suppressed viral load (<200 copies\/mL) and received a financial incentive service during the specified time period.","measure_detail_row3":"Number of clients with no evidence of unsuppressed viral loads (\u2265200 copies\/mL) in the previous 12 months out of number of active clients with at least one viral load test that was reported in two quarters of the 12-month period preceding and including the quarter being assessed.","measure_detail_row4":"","notes_row1":"Data Source: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI. ","notes_row2":"Data collection began in January 2017, and data reporting in eSHARE began in September 2017. All indicators are based on data reported in eSHARE as of 10\/17\/2023.","notes_row3":"Service indicator data for individual quarters should not necessarily add to the cumulative totals (i.e., program rollout through Q4 of a calendar year). The cumulative totals are de-duplicated to reflect the number of unique enrollees who received the service up to the end of the period represented. Therefore, while a given client may receive the same service (and be counted) in >1 quarter, that client will count only once in the cumulative totals. ","notes_row4":"Quarter 4 of 2017 is the first quarter with a sustained viral suppression estimate because data collection began in January 2017 and this indicator requires 4 quarters of data.","notes_row5":"The Undetectables Viral Load Suppression Program has been comprised of 7 agency partners. More information on The Undetectables and partners can be found here: https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","notes_row6":"","link_notes_row3":"","link_notes_row5":"","link1_notes_row6":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link2_notes_row6":"","link_text_row1":"https:\/\/liveundetectable.org","link_row1":"","link_text_row2":"Want more data on viral suppression among people living with diagnosed HIV in New York City or State?","link_row2":"","":""}]
New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene Program Data
Bureau of Hepatitis, HIV & STI and Sexual Health Clinics programs implementing activities related to HIV prevention, diagnosis, and linkage to immediate care
Select a program below for data and description
Cumulative data should not necessarily be the summation of individual quarters, see further detail in Notes below.