Monroe County Partnering to End the Epidemic
ETE Regional Spotlight
In the greater metropolitan area of Rochester, NY, located in Monroe County, HIV clinical providers, consumers, community service agencies, coalitions, and representatives from local and state government have unified and collectively created a jurisdictional Action Plan for Ending the Epidemic.

The MCPEtE Collective, comprised of several inter-agency partnerships (visualized and color coded in Figure 1), is committed to breaking down silos and working collectively to address the unique needs of consumers and the larger community. The MCPEtE Work and Action Plans are the result of the Collective’s comprehensive perspective, voice and approach to ending the epidemic. Commitment to the plans allows the Collective to remain focused and true to the mission of MCPEtE. For links to each participating partner, visit Monroe County’s Public Health site.
Figure 1: MCPEtE Collective agencies (click graphic to enlarge)
The MCPEtE Action Plan consists of six measurable regional objectives (see Figure 2), aligned with many of the goals and measures discussed in the NYS Ending the Epidemic Blueprint. Recently, the New York State AIDS Institute published a set of statewide metric targets, reflected here on the Dashboard, although the MCPEtE objectives and Action Plan were developed prior to these metric targets being released. Each goal contains numerous measurable activities, documented in our Action Plans (not shown), and were designed to help us reach our regional targets.Figure 2 (click chart to enlarge)
Several partners within our MCPEtE Collective have formalized their commitment to MCPEtE and our Action Plan via Agency Commitment Plans (ACPs). In order to meet the needs of the greater community, an ACP involves each agency creating an innovative plan for implementation of their existing HIV activities and committing to sharing and presenting this plan with the Collective in addition to submitting routine data to monitor progress.
Kimberly Smith, MCPEtE Management Team,
Karen Somerville, MCPEtE Management Team,
[1] U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates Program (PEP), Updated annually [2] New York State HIV/AIDS Annual Surveillance Report - For Cases Diagnosed Through December 2015, Bureau of HIV/AIDS Epidemiology AIDS Institute, New York State Department of Health5 thoughts on “Monroe County Partnering to End the Epidemic”
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Proud to be a part of this collaboration and excited to see the 2017 data and the work we are doing in Monroe County to end the HIV epidemic come to life!
MCPEtE is a great example of effective community collaboration, and highlights the importance of consumer involvement at every level in the work toward an End to the Epidemic!
I am proud of this collaboration and the inclusitivity of consumers.I hope to add Bring On Your Dreams, Inc. as a non-clinical organization to the collective by 2018 to tackle objective 3, 4, 5 & possibly 6.
Keep up the good work!
Great job everyone!!
Good job everyone!!