New York State Hepatitis C Dashboard Launches!
Dear Colleague,
The ETE Dashboard Project Team is excited to announce the launch of New York State’s Hepatitis C (HCV) Dashboard for the purpose of measuring, tracking, and disseminating actionable information on progress toward eliminating HCV in New York State (NYS). This web-based, public-facing, interactive dashboard system will present targets and key outcomes of the initiative to eliminate HCV in NYS and serve as a comprehensive source of local and statewide HCV-related data.
In November 2021, NYS released its HCV Elimination Plan, which sets forth the framework and recommendations that will lead NYS towards eliminating hepatitis C as a public health problem. Recommendations are grouped into five areas of focus: Prevention, Testing and Linkage to Care, Care and Treatment Access, Social Determinants of Health, and Surveillance, Data, and Metrics. Explore all 47 recommendations using the Dashboard’s interactive and searchable tool here.
Plan recommendations include establishing a dashboard system to track and disseminate timely statewide, regional or county-level information on key HCV elimination outcomes to the initiative’s stakeholders, including people infected and affected by HCV, to convey progress towards achieving the goals and targets of the initiative.
Featured content now available on the newly launched HCV Dashboard include:
- An interactive HCV Timeline that features key milestones towards HCV elimination in NYS over the past two decades. Explore the timeline to learn more about NYS’s achievements in HCV treatment access, prevention measures, and removing barriers dating back to 2002.
- Searchable and filterable list of the HCV Elimination Plan’s 47 recommendations.
- Overview of the NYS elimination targets and the primary metrics that will be used to monitor progress towards elimination.
- Data visualizations of newly reported HCV cases and HCV-related deaths in NYS and NYC. Interactive trend graphs and maps present publicly available data with the ability to stratify by sex, age group, race, and geographic area of interest where available.

Future updates will include additional data sources and annual reporting updates to the primary metrics: diagnoses, treatment and incidence, used to estimate annual HCV prevalence in NYS.
Building off of our work on the NYS Ending the HIV Epidemic (ETE) Dashboard, we hope that the HCV Dashboard will become a useful and powerful tool for all stakeholders and we encourage you to share this exciting launch announcement with your peers and colleagues.
Please subscribe to the HCV Dashboard mailing list and follow the Dashboard on Twitter and Instagram to receive future announcements and HCV Dashboard related updates. Share news of the launch now!
The ETE Dashboard Project Team