Newly released 2020 HIV Surveillance, PrEP utilization, and ETE Metrics data now available on the ETE Dashboard
Newly released 2020 data is now available on the ETE Dashboard, including NYS and NYC HIV surveillance data and PrEP and PEP utilization annual/semi-annual data. An updated ETE Metrics page now includes data viewable by sex, age group, and race/ethnicity for select metrics.
Click on the links below to explore these newly updated interactive tools, including recently launched Dashboard pages showing trends in AIDS diagnoses, HIV/AIDS-associated hospitalizations, and HIV-related deaths. Dashboard users can also navigate to this array of interactive visualizations using the Data Directory.
- ETE Metrics
- PrEP utilization
- PEP utilization
- Regional PrEP Aware Fact Sheets
- HIV Care Continuum among people living with HIV: NYS | NYC
- HIV Care Continuum among people newly diagnosed with HIV: NYS | NYC
- Trends among people with newly diagnosed HIV: NYS | NYC
- Trends among people newly diagnosed with AIDS (new)
- Trends in HIV-related deaths in New York City (new)
- HIV/AIDS-associated hospitalizations1 (new)

Note that data for the year 2020 should be interpreted with caution due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on access to HIV testing, care-related services, and case surveillance activities.
Stay tuned for additional blog posts and updates related to overall ETE progress in New York and the 2020 data in the coming weeks.
1 Data source: New York Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS), reported as of June 2019. Due to the impact of Covid-19, most recent available publicly available hospitalization data displayed on the ETE Dashboard is through year 2017.