The NYSDOH AIDS Institute releases first-ever research agenda
This research agenda will guide research and evaluation and inform AIDS Institute policy and programming for the next three years. View the Executive Summary and 2022-2024 Research Agenda to learn more.
The purpose of the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Research Agenda is to shape AIDS Institute mission-driven research, including AIDS Institute-led and commissioned research and collaborative research that the AIDS Institute has a vested interest in but does not lead. The final list of Research Agenda priorities aligns with the AIDS Institute Priorities 2021 – 2023 and includes additional priorities which reflect issues pertaining to multiple program areas and emerging issues. Research questions are grouped into the following three categories based on plans for implementation: prioritized for internal implementation (planned for internally focused efforts), open to collaboration (through AIDS Institute-sponsored mini grants or other collaborations with researchers), and work underway (internally focused efforts underway as of January 2022).

Work on the AIDS Institute Research Agenda will begin in early 2022 and will include internal research led by the AIDS Institute, AIDS Institute-sponsored mini grants, and purposeful collaborations with public health professionals and researchers. Research related to emerging issues will be assessed annually, and questions may evolve based on literature, programs, policies, and practices at the time research is being conducted. Specific prioritized research questions will be targeted for funding allocation internally and through collaborations. The AIDS Institute also welcomes investigator-initiated proposals for research collaborations related to any of the research priorities.